Sunday, 15 November 2009
My academic year
In a few days the present academic year will finish and now is a good moment to review how it has been (especially, because I have a lot of time to do it right now…lol). How my academic year has been? In general, I can say that this has been a good academic year, it especially because the academic load has been low. The first term was good, because I can introduce more into the different specializations of my career and the second term has been even better because I could choose the subjects that I wanted to study, which has been incredible. This academic year has been much easier than the two previous, I had to do fewer subject than before and my ability to study improved very much. During the first term I could learn about many fields of the psychology, which help me to define my preferences into the career. I could visit different places where a psychologist can work, such as schools, courts, community centers, among others. Also, I could to talk with psychologists who are working in these places and they give me an approximation about how are these places to work.
During that time I confirmed my originals interest to get into this career that I love: the Clinical Psychology and the Forensic Psychology. The second term has been extremely relaxed, in a first moment, which has made me feel very good, because I have been less anxious and less tired than the other years. I have had more time to enjoy my family. On the other hand with regard to the subjects that I choose, just two are very interesting one “special phenomena in violent crimes” (from forensic area) and something like “Psycodinamic diagnosis” (from clinical area); the rest of them are very disappointed. I have expected more practical subject to third year of Psychology.
In a second time this term has been very stressing, because I must to hand in a lot of report and I have a lot of oral presentations. I’m on the edge of madness.
To sum up, this year has been a good year, until now… because it is not yet ended to me. Anyway, this year is very important to me, because it get close a little more to my dream: became to a Psychologist. What more can I say? I hope so that every year get better and better.
Sunday, 8 November 2009
welcome to my world!
Psychology always has faced the questioning about its quality of scientific discipline; to work to abstract contains, with subjectives elements, with a lot of theories, with black box, for example, it’s not help at all. Lot of people consider our profession as “pay for friends”; or still they talk about if “believe” or not to psychologist as superstition or some kind of faith.
On the other hand, in our country the most of material with we use to study psychology is very old. The most recent researches are made in other languages such as German, English or French; and its translated version or The Classical translation into Spanish are very dubious. And that it is a comparative disadvantage.
One critical issue that disturbs to our discipline (and unfortunately always will be the same) is the thin red line to separate who are normal or who are not. This always obeys to specific culture, time or interest; then is very complicate to set up an unquestionable classification that not make excess or unfair diagnoses that damage in one way the life of the person who are different, singular or particular. The world never loves to exceptions.
In my opinion other important issue to psychology is the great amount of people to suffer mental illness; then is very important to introduce the self-care since early state of development. The people underestimate the huge difference between deny the psychological problems and to face up them. In this point our topic is connected with the need to have a better education; an integral education that encourage the mental health.
Finally, I must say that psychology has demonstrated its relevance on life of people, in their quality of life; but in nowadays there is a other significant problem to it must face up: the huge amount of fakes psychologist (“chanta psychologist”). They are a shame to profession. They don’t feel the great responsibility and privilege to someone ask your lead to get better. They suck!
The old proverb says “the doctor, actor and crazy everybody has a little bit”… and I add from psychologist too.
Friday, 23 October 2009
one for all, and all for one
Universidad de Chile has been a one of the most important Educational Institution in our country, but one of the things that it always surprises me is the different quality and quantity of recourses from one faculty to another. The Faculty of Social Sciences (FACSO), where I study has a few recourses; the quality of library is unsatisfactory: very old publications, not enough numbers of copies for title, in some cases only phototocopies. Another things is that we don’t have a study room… we study on the library and all the time one peculiar character make us to be quiet.
Our Faculty is composed of four careers: Anthropology, Sociology, Psychology and Education. But this last career has not a floor like other careers (or classrooms). It’ seems to me so unfair.
Other issue it is the construction of the list of curricular courses of Psychology career to modify the former version it from when the career length six years. Now that it is essay and mistake. Some course of my list of curricular courses seems a joke.
Other problem is the access to career to people who has less: the persons more poor in our country, because the last time the high class has entered to traditional University with more easily than the other group.
The solution to this entire situation is that the University begins to think as one; the recourses join in all University would be to WHOLE University and once and again our study house remember which is: a public, pluralist and a University of excellence.
Friday, 16 October 2009
the sound of the music
I spend along time of my day on travelling, and this is why the music is very important in my life. My old and broken down pendrive is a very good friend of mine.
An interesting thing is that music also can be full of bad memories and then I can´t listen to it any more.
Depending on my mood I listen to sad music, rage music, nostalgic music, romantic music, and music with a deep message. For example I like very much Violeta Parra and Victor Jara; also I like classical music, especially baroque music and my favorite author is Johan Sebastian Bach; Buena Vista Social Club as well as la Vieja Trova; Trip Hop is one of my favorite music with groups such as Moloko, Portishead, Mandalay among others. Kelly Clarkson and Alanis Morriset accompanied me for a while, after I broke up with my ex and I felt so much angry (lol) her lyrics are very cathartic. I love the music and lyrics of Evanescence, Amy Lee’s voice makes me to hallucinate. Bjork… she is superb I love her voice and her poetry lyrics.
The last musical discovery is Jorge Drexler a Uruguayan author, he is very romantic and I enjoy so much his lyrics.
In short, I think that music is very important and it has a therapeutic function because it allows emotion focus on a positive and healthy direction (What would say Freud…)
Sunday, 11 October 2009
childhood dreams jobs
Young artists belong to Walbottle Village primary school, Newcastle draw their professions of their dreams, fulled of imagination and creativity.
The top ten of childhood dreams jobs is head for teacher, doctor and vet, following by footballer, fireman, actor, policeman, dancer and hairdresser.
However, some 69% of 3,000 parents surveyed admitted they had failed to follow their dream career path. This happen partly because can be expensive pay for them.
Expert says that when your job is too far from your ideal isn’t a good sign. For some workers who realize they are nowhere near their dream, knowing what it looks like is the problem. Childhood dreams are not necessarily an indicator of what you will want to do as an adult.
The article point out that it is useful to look back at your life from teenager onwards and consider what you enjoy doing. Evidence exposed in the text suggests the majority of workers shy away from such soul-searching, and decides instead that no dream in particular will do.
But in your job there are three steps you can take: first, figure out what is important and what would make you happy; second, decide if your dream job is really for you, because it might not be, then find out what the role actually involves. Later if you're sure, make the change.
Friday, 2 October 2009
my favourite blogg
My favourite food are vegetables specially boiled vegetables in casserole or ommelette, or in a pie.
My favourite dish is wich my mother cooks and it is a very tasted dish that I call “vomit”(lol lol!!!). It have italian pumpkin, carrots, green beans, sweet corn and mushrooms, all cooked in a pan with cream… mmm its a delicious I can eat one ton. My mother servs it with browned potatoes.
Another dish that I adore its a omelete of lettuce, carrots, chard or tuna. I´m not a vegetarian , but I prefere this food. In my family are very meat-eating and I I like a good piece of meat, but I adore the vegetables.
A special dish that I enjoy cook and eat is the potatoes lasagne, which have caps of potatoes instead of flour caps alternated with eggplants caps with cream and tomato sauce. I like the traditional lagsane, but this.. it`s a pleasure of gods.
Another exquisiteness is another dish that I cook and I called filled potatoes. This consist of a potatoes cooks with its skin in the oven with a cap of salt in the base.Then the potatoes are hollowed out and filled with all that you want; I filled with jam, cheese, tomato, onion or with turkey in pieces cheese and green chili; then in the oven the cheese and oregano melt and they become in a marvellous mixing.Its preparation is very time consuming , but it worst it and every time that I have cooked I have never regrets.
I recommend to serve with red wine and enjoy your favourite dishes with your favourite people. THE DINNER IS SERVICE XD. Enjoy it.
Friday, 25 September 2009
Santiago in five places
In this oportunity I going to talk about interested places should visit in Santiago and activities that can’t help do.
The firs place that it will recommend is the Ñuñoa square, because is a very good place toe at somethin, drink somethin in a relaxed atmosphere. You can walk for its street with complete calm and to travel until you can find the ideal site for your taste and your pocket I recomend you the “Fuente Suiza”, where for little money you can to savour a exquisite “empanada” of cheese ( with a lot of cheese).
The second place is the “Quinta Normal” that is a very familiar place where you can walk in middle of the vegetation and a relaxed atmosphere, which is very rare to Santiago. There is a Little lake where you can go by boat with your family.
The “Parque forestal” is a good place to enjoy spend time outside. Always you can find a cultural activity.
The neighborhood Bellavista is a collection of pubs, disco and cultural places like the house of Pablo Neruda, a famous chilean poet.
At last, but not at least,the next place that I suggest you is “La piojera” a very folk and chilean place where do you drink a most tasted swig like “jote”, “terremoto”, “replica” and spend a lot of time in a pleasant and humble atmosphere. Always you will find some interesting carácter of national scene.
I hope that this places be of your pleasure.
Sunday, 6 September 2009
The last picture show

The last movie I saw, wasa independent film “The slumdog millionaire” a film by Danny Boyle, the same director of "Trainspotting" and "The Beach".
I was to cinema to see this movie with my younger sister and my Mom. The movie theater was in downtown of Santiago. A friend of mine recommended this film, fortunately three of us enjoy the film and I go out from the theater with a good cinema taste. I like so much and I recommended to everyone that enjoy a good story and a good cinema.
Friday, 28 August 2009
the time the earth stood
Today I going to talk about our public transport system: the hideous Transantiago, also called Trans-turtle (lol).
This famous system was not the better way to move when it beginnins. In first place every route took a lot of time, too much compared with the old system; besides you must take many buses to make the same route that before required one bus. To take a bus (the first of many) you must wait a very long time and wake up very early at the morning. Many people arrived very late to their jobs or place of study ( like me). At night when you must to go back to your home the thing was very similar.
Another problema was the used to a new paid system a BIP card; definitely we needed very much time to become accostumed to them.
Foregoing created an unpleasant atmosphere of tension. Every people were irritable and aggressive. In my opinión, the quality of life to go down so much. I don´t want to mention how was to the handicapped person, that must to be a hell.
All the city became in a complete caos. You could see people hanging to the repletes buses. It was a very ugly time. You must to decide if you want to resign yourself and wait for several hours or to shove one's way through; it´s was very stressful.
Now the things are calm down and the route getting better…For a minute I was afraid to great Rebellion lololol.
Friday, 21 August 2009
A beautiful land
In this occasion I´m going to talk about the country I would like to go: New Zealand. This country is very attractive to me, because I like its landscapes. Several movies have been filmed on that location and a tv series that I like so much is “Xena: a warrior princess”. I fell in love with its majesty.
I imagine myself on the middle of its isolated hills, walking on its lakes, breathing its pure air, contemplating its beautiful sky, on contact with the Mother Earth.
I know this country is an island in a southwestern of the Pacific Ocean, its climate is similar to the Chilean climate, they speak English and its population includes the native Maori.
This country always captivated me because its looks like a very peaceful place and I would live in a place like this, surrounded by nature and friendly people. I had a friend that lived there for about a year and she told that it is a country very safe and very quiet.
I would like to live there during a period of my life, maybe after my Psychology training in my own country, because I want to enjoy that country without to have to work a lot… For a moment I saw myself there… beautiful thoughts!!!!
Friday, 14 August 2009
my unforgetable first term
It´s time to make a recap…
The first term of this year in my career I studied about the different areas that there are in Psychology such as: forensic, organizational, communitarian, clinical and educational psychology; and the most relevant to me was to know about the forensic area and everything related with the diagnosing and treatment of victims of criminal acts, especially sexual crime victims. I always want to practice the clinical psychology, but now I think that the forensic psychology is the perfect complement to my professional interest. Besides, in clinical psychology I discovered that I want to work with children and adolescents.
In the personal, area I went to live with a crazy “friend” and it became a very bad experience… in short she isn´t my friend anymore. That event implied that I was a lot of time far from my mother and my younger sister; On one hand it was good, because I improved my stressed relationship with my mom, but I missed both of them so much.
Unfortunately the first term I had very few free time, and I couldn´t do sports or activities different to study my loved career. But this term I take a lot of sport in the University and Afro dance. I hope to be able to achieve it!!!
Saturday, 4 July 2009
my blogging experience
I consider that a very important advantage of this working method is that it provides the possibility of incorporating technology into learning, you can learn vocabulary and expressions into topics of personal interest, it also allows you to interact with classmates through the comments, generating a feedback that enriches the process.
Although I make a positive assessment of the activity, I could point out as a disadvantage of blogging in the English class is the time required for its development, that is related to the need to work on the computer, which in my case, due to vision problems, it is sometimes more difficult. But really I have no negative criticism regarding structural aspects of this methodology of work.
Finally, I would like to say that, in a very special way, I will miss the blogging activity because it allow to talk about topics that I like, thinking, generating criticism, new ideas and sharing this with others who may also be interested, also through the blogs of my classmates I learnt about them and their own interests which impacts not only on learning of academic content, but on the development of interpersonal relationships.
So, I hope we will meet in another opportunity without forgetting what we learnt
Sunday, 28 June 2009
My ideal job
For this work I woul be need tolerance, basic knowledge of child development and adolescents, know about the best treatment to suit the needs of all and that adapt to the needs of each child adolescents or knowing about those tools and techniques in that help in her development.
I think I it might be good at this job because I think take some tools to work properly in a place like this, because I am interested in this area and I think I can work completely dedicated with enthusiasm and give the best of me, and not just stay in the theoretical part, but also will work as humanly possible, considering the other and not always working so that from my position and my knowledge I do believe it's the right thing. I imagine finding this work is such hard like must be equally difficult to the other young people to finding work in areas as difficult like psychology.
Saturday, 20 June 2009
the murder of creativity
Something I find very interesting about is what Ken says in the video it is the importance that children aren't afraid to be wrong and that taking risks allows them to be original. This capacity is lost as you grow up until you become an adult.
The education system doesn't give the same importance to mathematics and arts or dance. This is a huge problem because persons aren't just a brain, theY have bodies too. But sometimes people forget that and live just for their mind.
Robinson speaks about the purpose of education and that this makes -professionals for the market, how this system leaves the many ways of intelligence that people have and how we need a human ecology for a better future for our children.
Sunday, 14 June 2009
my favourite subject
I like this because I think that the victims of crimes need a lot of psychological help. And this area makes a huge contribution to understand the nature of crime and the human behaviors. I hope so make a contribution to the social problems and help the people to live with traumatic experience and colaborated to identify the causes relationated with why the individuals to commit the criminal ofensses. I think that the forensic psychologics are very important inside the Psychology in nowadays and our legal system because we are in the middle of the reforms that search improve the justice and punishment relationated with the crime. Also the victimology is one of the areas in wich I am very interested and In the future I wanna work in CAVAS, Center of help to victims to sexual abuse. I hope to help in some mesure... bye.
Friday, 5 June 2009
I hope so...

In the 5 years from now ,when my career has ended, I hope to be working in the family`s trials or in the CAVAS; a center of care for victims of sexual abuse as a forensic psychologic and also I hope to have my private office when I 'll practice the Clinical Psychology too, but only one or two days a week with a few patients. I’ll love keep studing, specially some courses in other countries to perfect my professional training or even in other continents about specifics areas of Psychology like: criminology, victimology or clinical psychology for youngs and adults peoples.
In the personal area, the most important to me, I would like to live on the suburban area in a big country house,with all my family and their families and to have my apartment on the city to work during the week.
In a perfect future, I will be with my loved persons: My mother, my brother and sisters, nephews and nieces in a nice and quiet place, very realized and with my soulmate Why not? In my ideal future I will be happy and Iwill have time to enjoy my people everytime that I want. That is that I really wish...As dreaming doesn’t cost anything ....does it? lol, lol, lol
Sunday, 31 May 2009
Jean Piaget

One of the best persons in the field of Psychology is Jean Piaget. He talks about the evolution of the human being through stages what correlated with age. This stages are four: sensorimotor period (years 0 to 2); preoperational period (years 2 to 7); concrete operational period (years 7 to 12) and
formal operational period (years 12 and up).
This important author talks about the personality as a construction where the biological and the enviromental factors are mixed to become in a didtintive way that defined the development of the life. The human being is in permanent evolution and transformation. In those constant changes there are two important process that the individuals experiments: assimilation and to fit. The first process consist of the absorption of the external stimules at the internal structures of the human; the second process has the opossite direction, and it consists of the modification of individual structures to the external stimulus. In those two process is the adaptation of the human being and their more or less grade of integration at the world. I like his theory of cognitive development, because it proposes that there are distinct and increasingly stages of mental representation that children pass through on their way to an adult level of intelligence.
Friday, 15 May 2009
My loved career

For many years, I was searching for a career which could help others. Psychology can help the individual life of the people and also their collective life. It's has a lot of applications like clinical psychology, social psychology, educational psychology, organizational psychology or forensic psychology. This area has captivated me these days, because in the legal enviroment there are complex behaviors to understand and to study and a lot of people that suffer, like children abused, woman beatten or raped and other kind of victims.
Friday, 24 April 2009
Far away so close

This photograph is very beautiful to me for many reason. The loneliness is a "leiv motiv" of my life, a constant, a permanent feeling that crosses my lifetime. And not just in a negative sense... sometimes I enjoy it. This image is very evocative for its colors and its chiaroscuros are very powerfull to me. The clouds in the horizon with soft red tones announces the end of the day; when everythings is calm . A girl at the edge of a precipice with her sight lost in the sea; She can feel the wind in her body, the sound of the waves... the sound of the silence and the Mother Nature. It seem to me as if she was very
light and far away from the noise of city, the sadness of the life...She looks like very calm and quiet, she is enjoying the moment and her fragility in that inmensity. I don`t know who took this picture or if it is a painting, but it´s very significant to me, then it is mine now.
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
come to Scielo
I can investigate about any thing that I am interested; for example right now I am searching information about the personality disorders in child. One of the advantages is that papers appear complete. I visit this site often and always find some jewel to my hungry thirst for knowledge. In psychology always new theories are writing and is very important to stay inform. This library also is in other countries like Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Cuba. I invite you to visit, you will not regreat!
Saturday, 11 April 2009

Now I must to talking about my favorite piece of technology. And it`s my red mp3, which is very important to me, because put it music on differents moments of my life; always it has a melody to accompany my sad days and my happy times. It`s has been with me for three years and it´s very special , because was a elder sister`s gift with a first salary like nurse and I love her so much!!!. I must to confess that this little one it`s not my first love, before it I had a compact disck , but my new friend is more special because is tiny, rechargable, can record and I can use it like pendrive!! it´s so usefull, I love it, and I gave a special name, it is “a she” XD, her name is Renee like a friend of mine. She is very special to me, because always is capable to cheer me up when I was sad, slow me down at night or turns me on at the mornings with a song. Always can put in a words and music that what I feel inside of me... Althought sometimes I hate her for the same reason... She is so powerfull!!!
She have survived to split out of yogurt, hit off , water in her body, and still ALIVE!!!
When I forgot in my home or she loses power I miss her so much , because my days turn on bored and empty.
Friday, 27 March 2009
I have lived in a small town of my life, It is called Buin and it is on south of Santiago.
I like study english because this language is very necesary in our times. I start to learn it because I couldn´t understand what songs said; now it`s important to read the papers and the current researchs of Psychology.