Sunday, 28 June 2009
My ideal job
For this work I woul be need tolerance, basic knowledge of child development and adolescents, know about the best treatment to suit the needs of all and that adapt to the needs of each child adolescents or knowing about those tools and techniques in that help in her development.
I think I it might be good at this job because I think take some tools to work properly in a place like this, because I am interested in this area and I think I can work completely dedicated with enthusiasm and give the best of me, and not just stay in the theoretical part, but also will work as humanly possible, considering the other and not always working so that from my position and my knowledge I do believe it's the right thing. I imagine finding this work is such hard like must be equally difficult to the other young people to finding work in areas as difficult like psychology.
Saturday, 20 June 2009
the murder of creativity
Something I find very interesting about is what Ken says in the video it is the importance that children aren't afraid to be wrong and that taking risks allows them to be original. This capacity is lost as you grow up until you become an adult.
The education system doesn't give the same importance to mathematics and arts or dance. This is a huge problem because persons aren't just a brain, theY have bodies too. But sometimes people forget that and live just for their mind.
Robinson speaks about the purpose of education and that this makes -professionals for the market, how this system leaves the many ways of intelligence that people have and how we need a human ecology for a better future for our children.
Sunday, 14 June 2009
my favourite subject
I like this because I think that the victims of crimes need a lot of psychological help. And this area makes a huge contribution to understand the nature of crime and the human behaviors. I hope so make a contribution to the social problems and help the people to live with traumatic experience and colaborated to identify the causes relationated with why the individuals to commit the criminal ofensses. I think that the forensic psychologics are very important inside the Psychology in nowadays and our legal system because we are in the middle of the reforms that search improve the justice and punishment relationated with the crime. Also the victimology is one of the areas in wich I am very interested and In the future I wanna work in CAVAS, Center of help to victims to sexual abuse. I hope to help in some mesure... bye.
Friday, 5 June 2009
I hope so...

In the 5 years from now ,when my career has ended, I hope to be working in the family`s trials or in the CAVAS; a center of care for victims of sexual abuse as a forensic psychologic and also I hope to have my private office when I 'll practice the Clinical Psychology too, but only one or two days a week with a few patients. I’ll love keep studing, specially some courses in other countries to perfect my professional training or even in other continents about specifics areas of Psychology like: criminology, victimology or clinical psychology for youngs and adults peoples.
In the personal area, the most important to me, I would like to live on the suburban area in a big country house,with all my family and their families and to have my apartment on the city to work during the week.
In a perfect future, I will be with my loved persons: My mother, my brother and sisters, nephews and nieces in a nice and quiet place, very realized and with my soulmate Why not? In my ideal future I will be happy and Iwill have time to enjoy my people everytime that I want. That is that I really wish...As dreaming doesn’t cost anything ....does it? lol, lol, lol